Pulse oximeter Features: 1. A Battery life indicator. 2. In the absence of signals, the product would power-off automatically after 30 seconds. 3. Small, light in weight , and convenient to carry.
Keys function description: In standby mode, press the start button into the working stat, touch this button underworking state canchange the display mode.
Operation Instructions
1. Install a pair of AAA batteries into the device.
2. Pluga finger into a rubber hole of the oximeter.
3. Press the start button on the front panel. 4. Do not shake finger or move your body when the oximeter is working. 5. Press thebutton if you want to change display direction. 6. Read the relevant value from the display screen. 7. Thedevice willautomatically power off in 30 seconds if there is nofinger signal.
When plugging your finger into the oximeter, your nailsurface must be upward.
Declaration: Please use the alcohol to clean the rubber beforeeach test and clean the tested finger with alcohol before and after the test. (The rubber inside of the oximeter is a rubberwhich has no toxin, causes no harm, and brings no side effectsuch as allergy to the skin).
Leuconychia or nail with nail polish will affect accuracy.
Hang Rope Installation 1. Put the rope thin end though the hole. 2. Put the rope coarser end through its already wearing thin end part and tighten.